Frequently Asked Questions
1) What assessments will I be taking? You may have been asked by an organization to complete a single timed measurement, a series of timed measurements, a self-description survey, or a combination of any of these.
2) Are these assessments pass/fail? No, the assessments are NOT pass/fail. The organization requesting your participation is interested in your unique and natural abilities and organizational values/interest. It is possible that you are being considered for a very specific position or career path or a number of different opportunities. Being able to compare your strengths and special characteristics to position accountabilities and/or successful incumbents allows the best possible match of talents to responsibilities and environments.
3) Are these Assessments "psychological"? No, our assessments are NOT psychological. They are designed only for organizational applications with regard to natural ability in such areas of numerical, verbal, and administrative applications, as well as descriptions of your most comfortable approaches to roles, decisions and job pressure.
4) How much time will the assessments take to complete? Depending on what the organization has requested you to complete, the time involved could be up to two hours if the Company Code provided to you ends in -ABC.
5) How should I approach completing these assessments? It is important to complete the timed sections in a quiet environment without interruptions. When completing the timed measurements, try to solve each problem quickly, but if you are immediately stumped, move forward and come back to that problem if you have extra time. The assessments are designed to measure what you know, so don’t get bogged down in problems that will take too much time. As you complete the untimed (PERSONAMETRICS) organizational assessments, it is most effective to answer pageAccents or select/rank options in a straight-forward manner; that is how (or closest to) you actually feel or believe. Taking extra time to try and figure out what might be a most favored answer can very well cause your results to be inconclusive or more out of sync with the position or environment you’re being considered for.
6) What happens after I complete the assessments? Upon completion, your responses are sent to the organization who requested that you complete the assessments; that organization has ownership of the information you provided.
7) I'm having trouble completing the assessments or accessing sections of the website. What should I do? Please see our Help section.
8) Timed Section Tutorial- The following section is a brief tutorial to familiarize you with the timed measurement assessments (if required by the organization). You will be asked to select your answer by Left-Clicking the mouse.

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